Enhancing Classroom Daily Routines with Visual Support
Visual support is a powerful tool that can greatly benefit children with neurodevelopmental impairments in understanding and adapting to their environment. Implementing a daily routine in the classroom, supported by visual aids such as picto’s (pictorial representations), helps children understand the sequence of events and provides clarity and structure to their day.
By using visual support, children learn to anticipate and prepare for upcoming activities. Children know what to expect and what is expected of them. Each part of the daily program requires different behaviors. For instance, during break time, children are allowed to move around, while during independent work, they need to stay seated at their tables. Visual support and daily routines help reducing anxiety, promoting a sense of security and increasing positive behaviour.

Understanding the concept of time
Visual support also plays a vital role in developing children’s understanding of time and time concepts. Through visual aids, such as picto’s, children learn to understand abstract concepts such as: first-then, before-after, and now-later. This helps them comprehend the order of activities and learn to wait patiently for future events. Teachers can point out upcoming activities and show when they will take place later in the day or week, reinforcing the concept of time.
Steps to follow
To effectively utilize visual support in the classroom, here are some steps to follow:

- Create Picto’s: Design picto’s for each activity in your daily program, including bathroom breaks, lunchtime, and tidying up. Websites like “Sclera picto’s” offer a wide range of picto’s for your convenience.
- Display Picto’s: prominently in the classroom where all children can easily see them. This ensures that the visual schedule is accessible to everyone.
- Introduce the Daily Routine: At the beginning of each day, point to and explain each activity, reinforcing the routine. Use gestures and clear terms such as first, then, and next to engage the children and enhance their understanding.
- Stick to the Schedule: Maintain consistency by adhering to the established routine as much as possible. Throughout the day, refer to the visual schedule to remind children of upcoming transitions. After each activity, indicate the end of the current task and show the children which activity will follow.
- Active Involvement: Encourage the children to actively participate in the visual support process. Ask them to help turn picto’s of completed activities around to signify their completion. You can also use a clothespin to mark the activity that is currently due.
Positive impact
By incorporating visual support into daily classroom routines, you create a safe and structured learning environment for children. Consistent use of visuals enhances understanding, reduces behavioral issues, and promotes improved comprehension of time concepts and language. Make visual support an integral part of your daily classroom routine, and you will witness the positive impact it has on your students’ learning experience.