Autism and other Neurodevelopmental Conditions

Neurodevelopmental conditions manifest from a very early age and impact learning and development. In our projects, we concentrate on three specific neurodevelopmental challenges: Autism1, Learning Disabilities, and Social Communication problems. Here, we disseminate information and share valuable resources that we have generated or gathered throughout our projects.

Explore our collection of practical ideas, tools and resources.


Explore the resources we found and used to talk about autism. The information may be helpful for parents, family members, educators and students.

Diagnosing Autism
information for professionals

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Information will follow soon

Caregivers needs research study autism Morocco
on autism in Morocco

Read about our scientific study in urban and rural regions in Morocco. We explored the service use, challenges and needs of parents caring for a child with autism.

Child with Intellectual disability playing
Resources for Professionals

Information and resources for professionals on diagnosing and guiding individuals with intellectual disability, and supporting families

Trauma or adverse events information for parents or teachers
RESPONDING TO TRAUMA Information for Caregivers

Morocco was hit by a terrible earthquake in 2023. Many children were affected by it and suffer from trauma symptoms. Other crises can also cause trauma symptoms. How can you deal with that?


  1. We use “Autism” to refer to what is clinically known as “Autism Spectrum Disorders.” This term is used for simplicity and readability. Autism is a complex, multi-faceted neurodevelopmental condition that varies greatly in its manifestations and intensity among individuals. The spectrum includes a range of challenges and abilities, highlighting the diversity and uniqueness of each person’s experience with autism. ↩︎
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