Scientific study on the

Needs of Caregivers of Children with Autism in Morocco

It was a pleasure and an honor to work together with parent associations, volunteers, students from the Worcester Polytechnic Institute Global Studies Program, and a great research team brought together by the American Moroccan Competencies Network and Autism Speaks. Association Nour and Association el-Ibtissama took both part in this project.

Study Caregiver needs autism in Morocco

We asked 131 caregivers of children with autism in Morocco living in urban and rural areas, about their service use, challenges, and needs. The findings of this study may be help policy and program makers to improve autism care and may empower parents.

This study has been conducted in 2017 and has been published in 2023.

We are very grateful to all parents participating in the study, as well as to parent associations, volunteers, students, and the organizations that made this study possible as well as to Autism Speaks for funding this project.

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